A Unique Approach

The KTG approach to connecting with young ones is to teach through storytelling and using our imagination. Kids take part through activities by performing adventurous play disguised as technical skills in order to prep them for the fundamentals of tennis. Each lesson is theme oriented to incorporate fun from start to finish.

Our Mission

Encourage and a great opportunity for parents and kids to interact together and participate spending quality time together in each session. We want to see each child excited to learn and grow with the sport of tennis.

Fundamental Sport Skills

Six key elements combine to create the foundation ensuring that children develop more than just tennis skills. These elements combine as a basis for tennis, but also lays the foundation as a complete range of athletic skills that will help them in their mobility and athleticism to master any active participation in any sport or physical activity.



Key principle called Orientation, which is based on the understanding of where a child is in any given space



Understands the space where they start to move and control objecting in given space.

  • Sending – including rolling, pushing, throwing and hitting
  • Finding – including catching, bouncing, kicking, stopping and trapping
  • Handling – including holding and carrying


Learning to cooperate, play and compete.

  • Working Together – including cooperating and sharing
  • Social Awareness – including caring, listening and helping
  • Application Skills – including trying, improving and achieving


The reinforcing of school skills.

  • Literacy – including letter sounds, new words, rhymes, questions
  • Scoring – including numeracy, patterning, sorting, counting, left and right
  • School Skills – including memory, imagination, focus, problem solving, listening, watching and copying


Learn to control their bodies and the fundamental movements of sports

  • Body Awareness – including coordination, and relationship between body parts
  • Balance – including controlling posture, laterality, starting and stopping
  • Body Rotation – at the heart of tennis with thousands of rotations in every match including twisting, bending and stretching


Simple movements based on using body parts together

  • Arm Movements – including swinging and flapping
  • Travelling Movements – including running, jumping, hopping and skipping